Home » House Dems Are Melting Down Over Schumer Caving on Government Shutdown

House Dems Are Melting Down Over Schumer Caving on Government Shutdown


House Democrats are livid. The progressive grassroots is aghast. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), after taking a victory lap after the first cloture vote on the House GOP’s continuing resolution, which would fund the government for another six months, totally caved yesterday. He’s going to vote to keep the government open. Republicans needed a handful of Democratic votes to get to 60. They didn’t have it on Tuesday. They will soon, with Schumer and now Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) announcing they’d support keeping the government open.

Foronce,HouseDemocratsareangrierwiththeirownpartythanDonaldTrump.It’sironic:theliberalmediaandtheDemocratsexpectedGOPdisarrayandchaos,andthisshutdownfightsparkedacivilwaramongthemselves.Rep.AlexandriaOcasio-Cortez(D-NY),whoSchumerisrumoredtobewaryofregardingaprimarychallenge,mighthavebeengiventhepushsheneedstoplanonthatfront.Butfirst,she’smobilizingHouseDemocratsagainstMr.Schumer(viaCNN): NewYorkRep.AlexandriaOcasio-CortezsaidThursdaythatsheplanstomobilizehermassivebaseoffollowerstoopposewhatshedescribedasan“acquiesce”byS